Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Does it come easier to some people? Bad words warning..

I can't help but think that marriage comes easier to some people. I love being married and I love my husband. But its just so hard sometimes to try and be part of a team when you just wanna run the plays alone. And to be honest, I find myself lonely more than not. Just because my husband works so much and then goes to the gym with his buddies. I see him, maybe a hour a night, and thats usually the back of his head at the computer. I guess the real question is, is there a timeline on that hot romantic love that you can barely breathe without? It does have to end, right and move on to the comfortable love. The leaving the door open to the bathroom love, the fart in bed love. Are there people that have "the notebook" love until the day that their heart stops beating? Did I miss that boat? Does it depend on the man you marry? Please don't think that I don't love my sweetheart, I adore him. He has taught me true peace and an understanding of the meaning of comfort and I know that his heart and his love yearns for nothing and no one but me. Maybe it falls under the category of having your cake and eating it too. Maybe I'll sleep on it and feel differently tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. My folks have been married 34 years and they are happy... but my mother will tell anyone that asks that of the 34 years that her and my father have been married, "that 31 of them have been wonderful... the 3 bad years didn't all come at once or in one long stretch... 6 months here, another 3 there" but that it always gets better and the in love feeling will definitely wax and wain. She's a smart little cookie.
